OK Peeps!

Thank you for all the “Check Up” calls!!! Here’s a little info on Round 2!
Went in yesterday – 3 hours – same procedure
Today (Thursday) at work for a half day – I am feeling pretty good – they have me on a steroid on days 2 and 3 after the chemo…so it gives me energy. Usually in the afternoon a nice NAP is need though!!!
It seems like days 5-6 are when I start feeling some of the side affects…the chemo treatments are cumulative – so the Round 1 is still in my system – so I am anticipating either more symptoms or less…who knows?!
Hair is VERY VERY SHORT~!!! (see pic)…it’s falling out a lot…get up and hair on my pillow…so I just use a lint brush – HA!
This weekend I am sure to have it mostly gone and will be shaving it!
Got a new cute WIG…I am sure you all will see me sporting it soon, however, I think I will mostly wear scarves and hats…EASIER…I am way past the “care what people think or how I look stage”…wait…that doesn’t mean I will let my “arse” get fat!
I’ve been working out on days 7-14 – boxing club and weights! (you all know that working out keeps me SANE!!! :)
Well, that about covers it! I will be seeing most of you this weekend! Can’t wait! :)
Hugs n’ kisses,
P.S. THANK YOU, Mrs. Evert (Mary J) for coming with me to Round 2! AND as always…BIG THANKS to Jenni – for being the BESTEST sister (next to Quinn)!!! :)