Cancer is Cray! My life has been for the most part an open book. I've blogged about just everything, including stupid cancer hoping that it will give perspective and some sort of comfort that we are not alone fighting this disease. I had breast cancer in 2006 and my Mom has been battling Stage IV lung cancer since September 2012. She finished her last chemo last Thursday and tomorrow we have her CT scan to see if there has been any "progress". Once we get back the results, we will be able to figure out the next steps in this ever changing game of life.
I woke up today in a blah mood which quickly changed once I got a reply email from a "FB Friend" and local San Diegan who is a mother of four - one in college and three at home. Her first email to me: Meeshie, I'm so glad you invited me into your world. It seems like I've been battling breast cancer forever. Your page gave me a twinge of inspiration that I haven't felt in a long time. Thanks xo I replied with: Hi!!! how long have you been battling BC? My heart goes out to you!!! i would love to chat with you if you have some time? stay strong!!! xoxo Her reply:
Hi Meeshie,
I've been battling the fight since 2007. I've had 2 lumpectomies to my left breast and chemo for three years straight. I'm on my 11h drug and have 3 kids at home and one in college. Every day I worry that I'll have to leave my children on the doorstep of their father's home, because I can't support them any longer.
I've been writing about my struggles; hoping that my books will sell, keeping my chin up and getting scalp rubs from my 12 year old to make me happy. I've given up on having pretty hair again, so I buy it! LOL
I work out, but not nearly as hard as I would like too due to constant anemia. Your page made me want to try to give it just a little more umph! I know how hard it is to beat cancer and just hope someday I'm on top winning!
Ciao for now, xoxo
I, too, often think about what if the cancer comes back? I know I'll fight it again, but I worry about leaving Maddox "momless". I'm so lucky to have a wonder family, so many great friends, and Maddox's dad to take care of him...but I still have those thoughts. I'm SO LUCKY to have found my cancer early on and was able to "beat that biatch"! Sometimes I think..."Meeshie, do you really need a LIKE page AND a personal website???" And then I get emails like these from people I've never "met" letting me know that in all my hundreds of posts...some are helping to give people some hope and encouragement. I then realized that the little things I was sweatin' this morning are so dumb and petty in the grand scheme of life. The phrase, "LIFE IS SHORT, as cliche as it is, IS SO TRUE! I would never want anyone to have to face something life threatening to open their eyes to how precious our lives really are. I try and embrace life as much as I can...maybe that's why I run around town doing a thousand things! ;) I want to experience EVERYTHING before my time is up. When my friend's book is out, I will be sure to BLAST it all over social media! Hopefully, YOU will buy it, read it, and learn from it that it's never to late to "really start LIVING LIFE".