Side by Side: Survivor & Warrior
Last night (1/2/14) as I was eating dinner with my Mom, I noticed my Mom's hair growing back after chemo the same way mine did back in...

Thanksgiving Eve Thoughts
This week has been an emotional roller coaster with the ride coming to an end tonight. I have been slacking on my blogs and really don't...

Cancer is Cray!
Cancer is Cray! My life has been for the most part an open book. I've blogged about just everything, including stupid cancer hoping that...

Miracle Marathon
So in less than 41 hours I will be running in the Carlsbad Marathon - my second. Not sure who’s great idea this was to run this race? ...

Lung Cancer SUCKS! (Part I)
UGH! I can't believe that the last time I blogged was back in September 2012. A lot has gone on since then with Mom's lung cancer. I'm...

Cancer is back :(
It’s back. Yes, damn cancer found its way back into my life, this time affecting my Mom’s lungs. On August 28, 2012, I got the dreaded...

My Breast Cancer
Back in 2008, I created a meeshie.com website to share my story with other young women affected by breast cancer. Due to some technical...