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Miracle Marathon

So in less than 41 hours I will be running in the Carlsbad Marathon - my second. Not sure who’s great idea this was to run this race? Oh wait…mine.

This seriously has been a challenging race to train for…I mean who seriously is going to train over Thanksgiving and all the damn holiday parties that one MUST attend during the month of December??? Oh and wait, how do you do your long runs of 14, 16, 18, 20 miles on the weekends when you have a two year old and you feel guilty about making him sit in a B.O.B stroller for longer than an hour?

Like always, I’ve found ways around the so-called “system”:

1. Go to the holiday parties that fall on a Saturday night and only drink wine

2. Suck it up and spend money on a nanny for the long runs so Maddox doesn’t have to suffer sitting in a stroller just so Mama can prove she can run another marathon post baby

3. New Year’s resolution is: NO drinking (HAHA, good one), run EVERY weekend and get to 20 miles in 4 weeks - totally DOABLE! WTH???

4. (and the most important) Make your friends run with you so it holds you accountable as well - Thanks Jen, Kimmie, & Shawnie! ;)

However, my FAVORITE perk about training for a marathon is the process called “Carb-Loading”. I started this process today…errrrrr, ok, I lied. I’ve most likely been carb-loading ALL DAMN MONTH! HAHAHAA! This is NOT your typical Runner’s Magazine version…this is the Meeshie version!!! LOL! The Meeshie version consists of:

YUM RIGHT??!!!! OH and for lunch today I had yellow curry with chicken, rice, carrots, potatoes. Tonight I’m going to grub on pizza or something….that’s right baby…CARB-LOADING!!! Ya hearrrrrd me??????

OK OK OK, I know I know…I do have some good practices like taking this EVERY MORNING for the past few weeks:

Tangent: I’ve tried and tried to get this pic to rotate LEFT! LEFT I say, LEFT!!!

OK, I’m back. Any hoot, with so many peeps getting the flu, I just need my body to hold out until AFTER the marathon…c’mon body you can do it! It’s working so far…KNOCK ON SOME WOOD! I’ve also been drinking a ton of water to hydrate…or actually to REHYDRATE from last weekend’s Sunday Funday Football playoffs <sigh>

It’s raining out today and suppose to rain until Sunday —- I absolutely HATE running in the rain! The last time I did, my socks and shoes were so drenched that my feet kept slippin’ and ended up being covered with the nastiest blisters known to mankind…FAIL.

But it’s all good n’ da hood…I’m ready as I’ll ever be. All I’m aiming to do is make it ACROSS the finish line in one piece and without peeing or going numba 2 down my leg! (I know, GROSS - but those hard core runners actually will do that so they don’t have to stop and add minutes to their race time) I’ve come to accept that I am not a Kenyan and all I’m trying to do is cross off this item on my 2013 things to do list…come to think of it…maybe I need a new list?! ;)

Wish us luck! And if I don’t show up on Facebook on Monday, someone send out the search party for me. (Check any bars around mile 18)


© 2015 by Meeshie

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