I have a new found respect for single moms that have full time careers AND have their children 100% of the time! I had to work late today and felt horrible picking up Maddox from school over an hour later than usual. :(
It's not like I can call my "hubby" to grab him because I'm stuck in a budget meeting with our VP trying to submit numbers by EOD. I literally had to stop the meeting and tell everyone I had to leave to get my #minime.
When I left the office, it was pitch black. I kept thinking "OMG, poor Maddox is going to look outside, see it's dark, and think I forgot about him." I started to get a little anxiety as I picked certain streets that I could hit the gas a little more...
I then thought about the fact that I had to cut my meeting short instead of having the "luxury" of staying late at the office to meet my deadline. Is this what I've been hearing all these years?? About how women who decide to have children can hinder their careers? My job has gotten more complicated as I've taken on more responsibility. I'm also in a position with high visibility meeting monthly with our CFO and CEO. Did my decision to end the meeting leave a bad impression???
I'm a big believer in "work hard, play hard". But it's not always so easy to "work hard" when it's just YOU and YOU have to leave at a certain time to pick up your little one before school closes...even if you work an extra hour or two.

Then , I realized that I needed to chillax and breathe for a moment and be thankful for what I have...
I've been SO FORTUNATE to have a job where both my boss and my VP are very understanding. I also have flex hours where I can also take my work home with me and finish later in the evening. Some might hate "taking their work home" with them...but for single mommies like's a great thing!
Another reason why I have great admiration for those single mommies that GET 'ER DONE is because I get along with Maddox's dad really well and we have an awesome co-parenting situation! There are so many single moms that don't have this and are playing both parents. I count my blessings every day that Maddox's dad and I have found a way to put our differences aside for the benefit of our son.
Yes, tonight I am going to be working late from home once Maddox falls asleep. I did get to cook a proper meal, chit-chat, give a bath, and spend some snuggle time with my #minime before hopping on the laptop to quickly blog then finish where I left off at the office.
Maybe this is what the "modern mom" is like these days...a woman with a full time career, who is able to balance being a single mom (with or without help from the dad), and who can still manage to fit in a workout and some social time. Whether or not that is the case...I give MAD PROPS to single moms everywhere who are doing their best to be a successful independant woman while raising respectful and loving children.