I have a new found respect for single moms that have full time careers AND have their children 100% of the time! I had to work late...
No Excuse Moms - I'm your new recipe blogger!
I'm super excited to announce that I am the new recipe blogger on the NO EXCUSE MOMs website! YAY! (www.noexcusemom.com) I will be...

Side by Side: Survivor & Warrior
Last night (1/2/14) as I was eating dinner with my Mom, I noticed my Mom's hair growing back after chemo the same way mine did back in...

Thanksgiving Eve Thoughts
This week has been an emotional roller coaster with the ride coming to an end tonight. I have been slacking on my blogs and really don't...

Raising a Successful Maddox
FINALLY! An article that validates me as a #TigerMom AND a #HelicopterMom !!! What a great way to start out this Friday morning!...

Mommy, Son & Crossfit
It’s the CROSSFIT GAMES 2013 this weekend! This morning I checked online to see if their website posted any of yesterday’s events and...

A Family Picture of Co-Parenters
Today I got an email from Maddox’s school updating parents about the week. In the email, it asked: "If you haven’t already, PLEASE bring...