Mommy, Son & Crossfit
It’s the CROSSFIT GAMES 2013 this weekend!
This morning I checked online to see if their website posted any of yesterday’s events and clicked on the highlight reel.
As I watched the mother/daughter portion (they are both competitors this year), I remembered what had happened yesterday in the car with my son Maddox who will be 3 years old at the end of November…
We were on the way to visit my friend Christine who just happens to live down the street from Crossfit Counter Culture in Encinitas - where I go to workout twice a week (if I’m lucky). Maddox has only been there twice: once because our nanny dropped him off there after my class and another time when we went to buy some appareal - for his Aunt Kiki and I got him two CF shirts as well.
As we were driving down the road, Maddox goes: "Mommy’s gym is here"
Now mind you, we were about 3 blocks from the gym, which is also in a center towards the back…
Me: ”Yes, Maddox! Mommy’s Crossfit gym is just down the street..”
Maddox: ”I want to go see Mommy’s gym”
Me: ”Well, after we visit our friends. Do you want to come to Mommy’s gym with me next time and watch?”
Maddox: (face lighting up) ”Yes!”
I’m amazed how much he remembers - what kid at 2 1/2 remembers landmarks/stores that he’s only seen twice (while in a car driving) and can actually tell me where my Crossfit gym is at???? It’s CRAZY! I also can’t wait (but can LOL) for they day where we are working out together - running, swimming, biking, Crossfitting. I would love for one day when he’s older for me to compete in the, well, by then in the Masters (yikes!), and him against some of the “Fittest in the World”.
