First NPC Bikini Competition - The Morning Of!
It's the morning of competition! Guess what I get to have for breakfast? Watch the video to find out! :) #bikinifit #bikinifitness...
First NPC Bikini Fitness Competition - 4 Days out!
This is my second bikini competition but my first NPC Bikini show...and I'm a bit stressed! To find out why, watch my video blog (...and...

Kick Your OWN Ass into gear! (8 weeks out from competition)
Sometimes you need to give yourself an ass-kicking and get motivated! Yes, I get LAZY and all I want to do is NOTHING but sit in front...

Simply Shoulders (9 weeks out from competition)
Shoulder Day! 9 weeks out! When working out with my trainer MikeyFit, we usually just train one muscle group because we are in "building...

To Post or Not To Post, That is the Question
So I've been debating with myself whether or not to post this pic for obvious reasons. Many will say that I still look like I'm in shape...

Girls Gone Auto ;p
This morning on the way to work I passed by a car that had a flat tire with three...yes, THREE DUDES huddling around it. Two were...

Side by Side: Survivor & Warrior
Last night (1/2/14) as I was eating dinner with my Mom, I noticed my Mom's hair growing back after chemo the same way mine did back in...

Thanksgiving Eve Thoughts
This week has been an emotional roller coaster with the ride coming to an end tonight. I have been slacking on my blogs and really don't...
My 6-pack ABS Routine
Many of you have asked how I get my ABS...well, we all know that what you eat plays a major part of having your abs show. Diet with a...

Raising a Successful Maddox
FINALLY! An article that validates me as a #TigerMom AND a #HelicopterMom !!! What a great way to start out this Friday morning!...