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7 Days of CHAOS

Haven’t been able to write my daily blog because I’ve been moving last minute!!!

Imagine how I felt when I got a call last Thursday from my current apartment complex: La Mirage asking when they could do my move out walk through. I thought I was moving out on 6/25, however, they said that was impossible because they rented out my place and the new tenants take move in on the 26th. I scrambled to see if I could move into my new place a week early…meaning that Sunday…Father’s Day.

But this is how I ro’ (lol). I was able to move in on Sunday to the new awesome apartments literally less than 2 miles from my job. So all day Thursday and Friday, busy days for me at work, I managed to get the cable, SDG&E, and get my renter’s insurance transferred over. How does one pack and move with a 2 day notice? Ha! This is what I’m wired for…putting out fires in the most efficient way possible. Friday afternoon picked up boxes from Iza’s house. Thanks to Heather and Kim - we had a packing party at my place with lots of wine. Saturday morning, met Kim for our run in Del Mar then home to start the organizing and pack the rest of the stuff. I wasn’t sure the size of the U-Haul to get, so stopped by the rental place to see if the 26’ truck was too small. Needless to say…I thought it was too big! So glad I stopped there…decided on the 17’ truck instead.

Sunday - wake up, do Father’s day breakfast. Then it’s time to load up BLING BLING Kiana Kia with big black trash bags of my clothes and shoes. Yes peeps…this is how I move…I throw all the clothes and shoes in large trash bags…quick easy and the bags are malleable so you can squish a ton of them in a SUV. Crap, I need to run to VONS to get the food for the Father’s Day pool party and the Starbucks that I promised my AWESOME nanny Kami - who came over at 9:40am on her day OFF to help me move! We rush over to the new apartment just in time for the cable dude to get there between the times of 10am-12pm. Our luck, he comes right at 10am and is blowing up my phone with a Las Vegas number. As I glance down at it, I’m like…OH CRAP…who did I give my number to the last time I was drunk in Vegas??? Meanwhile…I had to call L&L BBQ to order the tray of Kahlua pork as the main dish for the afternoon Father’s Day pool party…

New place is smart…they have their own shopping carts which you can use to take your groceries up - since I’m on the top floor (with high vaulted ceilings) this mode of transportation proved handy when stuffed with black trash bags! By the time we unloaded Kiana Kia, the cable dude was done. Nice guy, took off his shoes and had gleaming white socks on. Can’t say the same for the maintenance guy who trailed in the fridge on a dolly wearing standard dirty boots. Those of you who know me can picture me standing there staring at him with my hands on my hips the whole time. Wow, I have time to spare before the other families come over to use the pool at La Mirage for the last time. I tell Kami that we have time before we need to pick up the shredded pig and we should go back and get another load. Back to La Mirage, fill up car, unload and pick up food. Poor Kami, I think she almost passed out of starvation. The SBUX venti sugar filled up-side down caramel skinny extra caramel with 9 ice cubes wasn’t cutting it.

By the time I get back to La Mirage, the peeps are at the pool…ok, moving hat OFF…hosting hat ON! Arrange food, change into bikini, take pics, play with Maddox, fun, sun, fun, sun. Where’s my cocktail? Now it’s 3:30pm…feed Maddox. Moving hat back ON! Pick up U-Haul by 4pm…movers arrive at 5pm. Two college dudes home for the summer…nice kids…make me feel old. “So this should go fast…we need to tetris the furniture in the back of the truck” I say as if these kids even know what Nintendo is…Playstation and X-Box right? Takes the three of us two and a half hours to load all the crap into the back of the truck. Thank goodness Ryan was there to watch Maddox. That’s all I cared about - that Maddox was happy and cared for while I moved. I swear I burned 2,000 calories just from lifting and carrying boxes up and down stairs into the truck.

It was time to leave…I still had a crap load of stuff left…but oh well. Off to the new place…finally unload truck. Grab dinner for my starving college movers…9:30…done. Of course, after trying to put a crabby Maddox down to sleep in the pack n play since the crib was too big to get out of the bedroom door…it was time to organize.

Movers still have to come back on Monday morning to load another truck full of stuff and the crib. DAMN IT…should have just gotten the 26’ truck!!! Even after we got that load done, Kiana Kia still moved two loads. It’s Monday at 2:30pm and finally turn in the keys as the cleaning lady completed the move out scrub-a-dub-dub.

I just want to sleep…or get a massage. My arms weren’t as sore as my legs. Probably because 22lb. Maddox has shaped my bis and tris nicely. All I cared about was getting the living area organized so that Maddox and Peter (the baby that we nanny share) will have their play things in order. At least on Monday night Heather came over to have wine with me and check out the new padaaz! (aka: pad)

Tuesday - work all day, come home - stop at VONS to get dinner and a bottle of wine. Take Maddox and Kimo on a walk around our new park and see Rachel. I love all the Mommies and kids that are everywhere. I scope out the new library. There are kids taking baseball lessons and I can’t wait to enroll Maddox as soon as he takes his first steps. Ryan comes over to see Maddox when I realize that I forgot to get the most important food in the house….for Maddox and Kimo! UGH…I need to lay of the wine…HAHA! Yeah right!!! Back to Vons, come home, cook dinner and now it’s 9pm. WTF? I didn’t get any unpacking done. The last two days I’ve been trash bag diving for underwear, socks, and clothes that are the least wrinkled to wear to work…DOH!

Today, Kim, Heather, and Craig are coming over - maybe I’ll get some unpacking completed…or maybe I’ll just sit and watch So You Think You Can Dance and just relax…

No matter what…I LOVE MY NEW PLACE! Nice and quiet…but I can tell…I’m getting the itch…as soon as I’m all settled in, this Mommy is going to need a night out downtown…OLD SKOOL party night…ya heard me?!?! ;p



© 2015 by Meeshie

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